The Thursday before last, I decided to go down to Portsmouth to see the Les Miserable Costume exhibition that was on at the Historic Dockyard, do some shopping at Gunwarf keys (the fabulous outlet shopping centre), oh and of course visit my brother.
After having a delicious lunch with my brother (where I ate way too much) I headed to the Historic Dockyard.
The exhibition was held in the Mary Rose Museum (the old one, they are just about to open a brand new one), so every so often you would come across a model of Henry VIII next to a Les Mis costume!!
Younger Cosette's gown which she wears in her mother's 'dream' in the hospital.
A bit of a blurry close up! But it is such a beautiful gown with lovely hand embroidery.
Cosette's cap.
The lighting in the museum was not great!!
Fantine's gown that she wears when she is working in the factory. This was one of two identical gowns. The other was rather more distressed in look, to show how her journey from factory worker to prostitute.
detail of the bodice and sleeve.
A Fortnum and Mason's hamper used in a recreation of the rebel's barricade! :) Not sure if they would have had such a hamper!
One of older Cosette's gowns. So pretty!! :)
Lovely lace cuffs.
Another of Cosette's gowns.
Sadly Cosettes's wedding gown was not on display as the dockyard hadn't been lent it. :( But I was glad to see the others. :)